Neuropsychology of Vision
Perception & Action Laboratory

Dr. Jonathan Marotta
Lab Director

As you read this web page, you probably have a cup of coffee or bottle of water nearby. If you need either, it is a simple matter to look where you remember leaving it, reach out, and accurately pick it up. But, is it really that simple? Think for a moment about how complicated that process actually is, and how remarkably well you do it. When you reach out to pick up the cup of coffee, not only do you direct your arm towards the cup, but the posture of your hand and fingers anticipates the size, shape, and orientation of the cup well before contact is made. When contact is made, the position of the fingers on the object are not random, but rather fall on task-specific locations. One of the things that make these processes possible is your keen sense of vision.
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If we are to successfully interact with the world around us, our visual system must do two important things: recognize objects and assist in the programming and control of actions directed at those objects. Dr. Marotta’s research goals are focused on offering a better understanding of the functional architecture of visual perception and the visual control of action. By utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach that includes advanced 3D visuomotor paradigms, neuropsychological patient investigations, fMRI, and traditional cognitive and psychophysical methodologies, Dr Marotta’s research has helped address one of the fundamental questions in Cognitive Neuroscience – how sensory information is transformed into perceptions of the world and useful motor acts.

Eye-hand Coordination

Perception and Attention